Words are useless,
Seldom conveying emotions as they should.
Miss you instead of want you,
Feel you instead of heart you,
I hear you instead of…

So I need you to get this.

I don’t want you, I ache for you
I don’t heart you, my limbic system is so into you
I don’t hear you, you robbed those words out of my mouth…

Still useless

Your brain
My heart
Till the drums stop beating.

© Njeri Geteria


4 Responses

  1. Kevin Orato says:

    Is this a beautiful poem or what? Interesting way of describing the truth we’d rather deny or hold back for as long as it takes. And then, just as the lead here appears to be turning forthright in the sequence of wonderful expression, A HALT! The realization that he/she is muttering words again instead of acting them out. Like a journeyman come upon a massive gap between one end another with only a precarious rope-bridge connecting. And the then the sudden burst of pace as the traveler immerses him/herself in the process of making a long-held desire to reach the destine with what seems definitive resolution. Beautiful imagery right across the piece and articulate elucidation in general. De-lovely.

    1. storyzetu says:

      And your comment is equally as beautiful!

  2. Kevin Orato says:

    Is this a beautiful poem or what? Interesting way of describing the truth we’d rather deny or hold back for as long as it takes. And then, just as the lead here appears to be turning forthright in the sequence of wonderful expression, A HALT! The realization that he/she is muttering words again instead of acting them out. Like a journeyman come upon a massive gap between one end another with only a precarious rope-bridge connecting. And the then the sudden burst of pace as the traveler immerses him/herself in the process of making a long-held desire to reach the destine with what seems definitive resolution. Beautiful imagery right across the piece and articulate elucidation in general. De-lovely.

    1. storyzetu says:

      And your comment is equally as beautiful!

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