The man inside me
Is screaming out to the world to pay attention
Asking the world to set him free and let him be
Let him be who he wants to be
The man inside me Is strong yet weak
He is proud yet meek
The man inside me wants you to see past me
Wants you to look deep into me and find him
He is a man full of love
A man who believes in the one above
The man inside me is heartbroken
Yet he tells me to cry not for him
The man inside me absorbs all my pain and weeps
Yet tells me to smile
The man inside me has a lot of fear
But then fear leads to bravery
For there’s a difference between fear and cowardice
And a coward is simply ruining his pride
The man inside me tells me to control my desires
Makes me a gentleman
Not a ladies man
A slave to fall in ladies hands
The man inside me is still a part of me
Look in me
Get to know me
And you will see The man inside me.
By Bzartony.