The Government Spokesperson,
A man of decent education
And laudable upbringing;
Trained in religion and social mores,
And of good standing among his peers-
Lies freely through his teeth,
Like a moron out on the street, or some
News-monger, at a roadside rumor session
An expert of nice talk, he’s quick to pronounce,
The State’s many successes and unlikely future achievements,
Spinning us ridiculous yarns, dishing up implausible excuses-
While deftly sidestepping its raft of woeful failures:
Declaiming against the usual suspects,
Journalists, oppositionists, hyperactive civil activists;
Those unpatriotic busybodies and killjoys,
Out to besmirch his employers’ sterling reputation.
Shrugging of the pang of guilt he feels:
The mental tussles between conscience and will;
Weaving a lie with another, convoluting the truth further,
Wriggling free with yet another, appearing foolish in the process-
Devaluating his doctorate, the accolades, his last shred of dignity,
Shaming his parents, his peers, the wise sages who schooled him-
Explaining it all away, in lengthy language lacking in logic,|
And in vacuous verbiage, replete with the regular garbage!

By Kevin Orato

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