US:How can described yourself in a
summarized manner?
SKILLZ: Simple sad is what i can say
US: When did u pen ur first poem?
SKILLZ : First poem 2006 Dec
US: They say Most of your poems are
sad. Is there a reason for that?
SKILLZ: My days are full of sadness that’s the
feeling i bring out
US: Apart from poetry what else do you
SKILLZ: Am a civil eng by profession
US: Skillz the poet. Why the name ‘Skillz’?
SKILLZ: Haha Skillz is a nickname they used
on me at home,for rapping that 2010
wrap up
US: What do you think is man’s greatest
SKILLZ: A gun be mans’ greatest invention
US: Who is that person you’ve always
admired and why?
SKILLZ: Mummar Gaddafi, his way of
defending his people
US: The world ends tomorrow. What do
you do till then?
US: If you were a cartoon character, who
would that be?
US: Three words to describe your brain
SKILLZ: Hehehe Dead, Cold, Crafty
US: That song that never gets boring to
your ears?
SKILLZ: Running by Tupac and B.I .G
US: What’s your preference? Writing Or
SKILLZ: Performing
US: If you could choose a career
without education and stuff, you’d be?
SKILLZ: Mhhm lets see, farmer
US:what do you think of the Kenyan
creative and artistic industry?
SKILLZ: Selective and self centered
US: Any
random question that you’d like to ask
the world?
SKILLZ: If i died today,would you cry for
courtesy of Storyzetu