Ii ma, kÍthomo i gantíú.

Chomba neejíre na aratútigíra kío.
Indi rí, atúgata kíthomo gíetú?
Kíthomo gíetú agí kía biaa?
Bajújú beetú ibaarí na ndaawa cia mítí na míri
Ndawa iu gaciathúki?
Bajújú betú ibarí na Njúri Ncheke
Tíyo yaretaga thííri kírí Amíírú?

Ntírauga muntú akaathoma, arí
Andauga úkíthoma kía múchomba rí, thoma inya kÍa Múmíírú
Menya mítúríre na mítindo ya barea baarí o tene
Ina njíra íuu Kímíírú gíetú gítímerua i úchomba

English Translation:

Education is power,
Power that the foreigner bequeathed us,

It shouldn’t be that we forsake our ancestor’s education.
It doesn’t mean those who came before us were uneducated
They made herbal medicines
wasn’t that biological education?
And when we engaged in disputes
didn’t the Njuri Ncheke maintain peace?
That was conflict resolution education
It was political science education.

Not to say we abandon the foreigner’s education,
But as we swallow ‘white’ education, swallow the ‘black’ one too
Learn our ancestor’s culture and values,
Its only then that our roots won’t wilt under the modernization sun.

©Victor Brian

18 Responses

  1. thengartia says:

    nîu baabu.

    îndî kîthomo kîî kîa Mûmîîrû rî, nkarita naa? Inya ntane itîguitanwa ûmiri ntukû iji.

    1. Victor Brian says:

      I ba baaba beetú bagútúgwíthia. Batígwitana úria kúbatere

  2. I am a teacher of languages, and the Bantu languages are the ones I am really that crazy about the most. It would be very important if some material about Kĩmeru were posted, such as NOUN CLASSES, VERBAL SYSTEM, DIALOGUES(TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH) VOCABULARY and so on. Please, think about it.

    1. storyzetu says:

      That has been put into the bucketlist. Thank-you for reading and the suggestion.

    2. storyzetu says:

      Thank you for your comment. We’ll discuss it and see how best to deliver.

  3. Francisco says:

    Thanks. I do appreciate it. It is a good way to spread the language.

    Please, is it possible to translate these into Kĩmeru?

    Good morning=
    I am Bernard=
    I am a boy=
    I am a girl=
    My name is Bernard=
    I am Johanna’s brother=
    I am Bernard’s sister=
    Johanna is a nice name=
    Your name is nice=
    Yes, it is nice=
    But Bernard is a nice name too=
    I am very glad=
    See you tomorrow!

  4. Francisco says:

    Thanks. I do appreciate it. It is a good way to spread the language.

    Please, is it possible to translate these into Kĩmeru?

    Good morning=
    I am Bernard=
    I am a boy=
    I am a girl=
    My name is Bernard=
    I am Johanna’s brother=
    I am Bernard’s sister=
    Johanna is a nice name=
    Your name is nice=
    Yes, it is nice=
    But Bernard is a nice name too=
    I am very glad=
    See you tomorrow!

  5. zeekki says:

    Good morning- habari ye rukiiri
    I am a boy-uuni i muthaka (if circumcised)
    I am a girl-uuni i mwari
    my name is Bernard-riitwa riakwa i Bernard

    I am Johanna’s brother- uuni i mutana wa ng’ina wa Johanna
    I am Bernard’s sister-uuni i mwari wa ng’ina wa Bernard
    Bernard is a name-Bernard i riitwa ri riega
    you’re name its nice-riitwa riaku i ribui
    Yes its nice-ii iribui
    But Bernard is a nice name too-indi Bernard i riitwa ri riega inya rio
    I am glad- ingwiritue
    See you tomorrow- twonane ruuju

  6. jeff itunga says:

    good efforts to promote kimiiru language.please note that kimiiru is the oldest bantu language in kenya and we must make all efforts to ensure its protection and promotion.i have noted some deliberate acts in some quarters to undermine and endanger this language, but we will not and must not allow this.thanks alot for your efforts and i look forward to great cooperation in promoting kimiiru in kenya and globally at large.some of the methods i am using are to write books,magazines,posters and kimiiru fm radio stations.

    1. storyzetu says:

      Thank you Mr.Itunga. We will do all we can as a blog to grow not only Kimiiru but all African languages. If you have any poems or Kimiiru pieces you would like posted, you can email us on storieszetu@gmail.com

  7. Aaron embazi says:

    I want to know how to speak a meru language.

  8. Aaron embazi says:

    I want to know how to speak a meru language.

  9. sam says:

    hi.am passionate about ameru language.can someone email me the simple words and sentence constructions…both in english and ameru.id appreciate…fanmurk@gmail.com

  10. sam says:

    hi.am passionate about ameru language.can someone email me the simple words and sentence constructions…both in english and ameru.id appreciate…fanmurk@gmail.com

  11. Hendrik Munene says:

    Muuga acore ba Kîmîîrû!
    I am studying Kimeru from Germany and got frustrated with the lack of dictionaries and learning resources…so I decided to create one myself. Below is a link to a beginner’s course in Kimeru that I started on Memrise, an extremely useful language learning site. Any input from a Kimeru speaker would be greatly appreciated.
    If you like the idea and want to help improve the course, drop me a line at hendrikbecker@yahoo.de

  12. Hendrik Munene says:

    Muuga acore ba Kîmîîrû!
    I am studying Kimeru from Germany and got frustrated with the lack of dictionaries and learning resources…so I decided to create one myself. Below is a link to a beginner’s course in Kimeru that I started on Memrise, an extremely useful language learning site. Any input from a Kimeru speaker would be greatly appreciated.
    If you like the idea and want to help improve the course, drop me a line at hendrikbecker@yahoo.de

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